So with 4 days to go until IFAD 2024 (International falsely Accused day) I thought I'd give a quick update on what has been going on, as usual there has been lots!
I know I have been a bit quiet recently, make the most of it, it doesn't happen often 😂. This is partly due to the fact that I have been in hospital with cellulitis and early onset sepsis, due to the cat trying to kill me 😂.
Not to mention my innocent partner being ghosted to Wakefield, and his property being refused at the gate, UPS tried to return it to sender but apparently no one was home, twice, you know what it's like, you turn up at a HMP establishment and everyone has gone down the pub! This resulted in UPS deciding it was 5 abandoned boxes, and threw it in the incinerator, absolutely everything, clothes, photos, letters, legal papers the lot!
Anyway, back to IFAD as many of you will be aware I will be in Liverpool on the 9th of September, I hope to see many of you there. For those further south there is also an event taking place outside the tower of London, I really hope to see you all attend either event.
It'll be no surprise to many of you that, even in the world of FA both support and activists groups have their own politics bul##&+t. I know you'd think it was pretty simple, work together to change things, but no. This has been very evident after a recent meeting, which I was unable to attend, but have witnessed the fallout. I just want to say, we are all equal, we are all fighting the same cause, we just have different approaches, personally I favour the bull in a China shop approach, after all the letter/article/essay writing has its place, and is important for raising awareness but is never going to combat the moral panic that led to the "believe the victim" mantra, and the "eradication of the requirement of evidence" which has seen thousands of innocent people wrongfully put behind bars.
I am aware that my approach isn't always popular, as I won't tow the, what is socially acceptable line. I have recently been been told,

"I totally disregard the rules and policies, and that by riding rough shot over the rules, I was acting like one of the sharks" .
"as you grow and become more well known (which you will) you will have no choice but to bend marketing to comply"
Well thank you for telling me that, I now know where I've been going wrong, after all change is always made by those who follow the rules and obey the policies and guidelines, just like those policies and guidelines that have put so many innocent people in prison.
I will fight, I will not hide, I will not ask for permission, I will shout as loudly as I can until those responsible hold their hands up and admit they messed up!
Join me
